If the government tortures people in the open, what does it do in secret?
Let’s take a look at how an entity’s actions affect that entity’s credibility. We can illustrate with relations between two people who (1) don’t know each other well, and (2) must conclude an...
View ArticleDallas love project vs. Dallas indignation project
Yet indignation over this crime still feels subversive, forced underground, when the true subversion came from the perpetrators. You can still get tagged as a conspiracy nut, or buff, or theorist, or...
View ArticleDonald Trump on Lee Oswald and Rafael Cruz
As you can expect, the media flap this week over Trump’s remarks about Rafael Cruz and Lee Oswald drew me …Continue reading →
View ArticlePay attention to the Trump-Cruz feud about Kennedy’s murder
When you read about Donald Trump's crazy conspiracy theories, sort what is crazy from what is not. Donald Trump and the journalists who criticize him may not know what they are talking about, but all...
View ArticleWhy criminals’ motives matter
We want to know why everyone involved with the crime carried it out.Continue reading →
View ArticleMay 29, 1917 – 2017
For fifty years and more Americans cannot imagine what would happen to their country were they to acknowledge the truth about Kennedy's death, and act on it.Continue reading →
View ArticleDanger everywhere
When you lay an accusation that someone's views are dangerous, you say more about yourself than you might think. You suggest some views, and people who voice them, do not deserve protection.Continue...
View ArticleFirst licks in politics, first place in history
If you have not yet read James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, do …Continue reading →
View ArticleList of books related to the Kennedy assassination
Infamy, started as a bibliographical project. Sometime around the end of 2011, I began to think that some sort of …Continue reading →
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